Friday, February 7, 2025


WARNING: On 19/4/2024, The Embassy of Viet Nam has received has received information that there are scammers claiming to be from the Embassy's phone numbers (0261694916, 0261694915, 02 61694917) with the purpose of defrauding citizens. The way to identify the call is that the scammer informs the citizen that there is an Official Document, document from the Court, Police, Customs, Post Office or other agencies of Vietnam, then demands that the citizen provide personal information, passport, citizen identification, credit card or request to transfer money to resolve an "issue". This is a scam. You should never give out personal details to a scammer.

Please note: The Embassy and Consulate General do not have this requirement. This is a form of scam that has appeared recently. 

What you should do: Hang up and report the police, report the call to ACCC Scamwatch​, report to the network operator and report to the phone number: 0466401665. For more information, please read detailed Scamwatch warning report here.

From 01/07/2022, Vietnam will apply a new passport model. Passports issued before 01/07/2022 will remain valid until their expiry date.

From 01/03/2023, domestic agencies have issued electronic chip passports, however, this type of passport cannot be issued abroad.

Consular areas of the Embassy: Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Victoria (VIC), Tasmania (TAS)

Consular areas of the Consulate General of Vietnam in Sydney: New South Wales (NSW), Queensland (QLD), South Australia (SA)

Consular areas of the Consulate General of Vietnam in Perth: Western Australia (WA), Northern Territory (NT)

- For citizens born in Vietnam, the Embassy does not reissue birth certificates. Citizens need to contact the People's Committee of the commune or ward in Vietnam where the birth was previously registered to carry out the re-issuance procedure.

- Citizens born in Vietnam can only carry out name change procedures at the People's Committee of the commune, ward or district in Vietnam.

- Citizen ID cards can only be made in Vietnam.

- For the notices of the Courts of the cities and provinces, click here for more information.




E-VISA: If you are applying for an electronic visa on:, please make an enquiry on their website. The Embassy is not related to the e-visa process thus unable to provide any guidance. 

TRANSIT: Following Vietnamese regulations, foreigners transiting by air are exempt from visas and must stay in the transit area at the international airport while waiting for their next flight. Foreigners that transit by sea are not required to obtain a visa and must stay within the transit passenger area of the seaport while the ship is anchoring. If you need to go through the Immigration checkpoint to re-check your baggage or to take domestic flight, you will need to get a visa before departure.

PHU QUOC ISLAND: Tourists are exempt from visa for 30 days only when you enter Phu Quoc Island directly through an international airport outside Vietnam or through a Vietnam International Airport but only stay in the transit area and wait for the connecting flight to Phu Quoc Island.

APEC CARD:  Please check if there is a "VNM" letter on the back of your card, which means it is already approved by the Vietnam Authority and you will be exempt for visa for 60 days. Otherwise, please contact the Australian Immigration Department for further information.


Update 15/5/2022: Travelers are not required to take Covid-19 test before entering Vietnam as of May 15th, 2022; are not required to make a medical declaration as of April 27th, 2022.

09.30 AM - 01.00 PM, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, except for holidays.
Afternoon: 02.00 PM - 05.00 PM (for documents pick-up and urgent cases only). 

The Embassy of Viet Nam to Australia will observe the following public holidays in 2025​:

Date Name of Holiday
Wednesday 01 January 2025 New Year's Day
Monday 27 January to Friday 31 January 2025 Australia Day and Vietnamese Lunar New year
Monday10March 2025 Canberra Day
Monday07April 2025 Hùng King's Commemoration Day
Friday 18 April 2025
Monday21April 2025

Good Friday
Easter Monday
Wednesday30 April to Friday 02May 2025 Viet Nam's Unification​ Day and International Labour's Day
Monday 9June 20245 Sovereign's Birthday
Monday 02 September to Tuesday 03 September 2025 Viet Nam's National Day
Monday 06 October 2025 Australia Labour Day
Thursday25December 2025
Friday 26 December 2025
Boxing Day



Notice from the Embassy

TAND tỉnh Tiền Giang: Vụ án số 80/TB-TLVA ngày 25 tháng 12 năm 2023

ĐSQ tiến hành niêm yêt Thông báo về việc thụ lý vụ án số 80/TB-TLVA ngày 25 tháng 12 năm 2023 của Tòa án nhân dân tỉnh Tiền Giang để ông Đinh Tấn Nghĩa, sinh năm 1959, địa chỉ 23 Skepper Street, Ellen Grove, Australia biết, thực hiện./.

TAND TP Hồ Chí Minh: Bản án dân sự sơ thẩm số 169/2024/DS-ST ngày 26/03/2024

Bà Bùi Di HIền, sinh năm 1964, địa chỉ Webb Road, Lambells Lagoon NT 0822 Australia

TAND TP Hà Nội: Thông báo tống đạt và thu thập chứng cứ trong vụ án dân sự

Người liên quan: Nguyễn Anh Quân, Nguyễn Thiên Hương

ĐSQ đề nghị ông Nguyễn Anh Quân trú tại Fullam road, Blacktown, NSW 2148 và Bà Nguyễn Thiên Hương, trú lại Amelia St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 liên hệ với ĐSQ để nhận thông báo

TAND tỉnh Đồng Nai: Thông báo thụ lý số 164-TB-TLVA ngày 20/10/2023

Người liên quan: ông Dương Thái Hòa, sinh năm 1968

ĐSQ đề nghị ông Dương Thái Hòa, sinh năm 1968, địa chỉ Metheralls Sunshine North, Vic, Australia liên hệ với ĐSQ để nhận thông báo hoặc liên hệ trực tiếp với Tòa án nhân dân tỉnh Đồng Nai để giải quyết vụ việc.

TAND tỉnh Sóc Trăng: 01/2024/KDTM-ST ngày 15/02/2024 và Quyết định sửa chữa, bổ sung bản án số 172/2024/QĐ-SCBSBA ngày 08/5/2024

Người liên quan: Bà Lê Thị Ngọc Hương

ĐSQ đề nghị bà Lê Thị Ngọc Hương, sinh năm 1943, địa chỉ Calwell Street, Kensington VIC 3031 Australia liên hệ với ĐSQ để nhận các văn bản hoặc liên hệ trực tiếp với Tòa án nhân dân tỉnh Sóc Trăng để giải quyết vụ việc. 


Thursday, October 17, 2024

TAND tỉnh Tiền Giang: Vụ án số 80/TB-TLVA ngày 25 tháng 12 năm 2023


Categories: notice embassyNumber of views: 1947


Travel Advices

Mekong Delta

Mekong Delta

The Mekong Delta is the southernmost region of Viet Nam, comprising one city and 12 provinces....
